The Importance of Yoga to Maintain Hip Mobility

As a yoga teacher for over two decades, I have seen my share of yoga trends and cliches. One thing that has not wavered, however, is the request by students to teach hip openers in yoga class. Your pelvis and hips are the foundation of your movement. Whether standing, walking, running, or, yes, even sitting, the hip joints are crucial for proper posture, power, and ease of movement. They can also be a repository of emotions and unprocessed life events. That, combined with our all too sedentary Western lifestyle, may create a cycle of stiffness, limited mobility, misalignment, and eventually, pain.

The good news? Yoga offers one of the most effective ways to improve hip mobility, restore balance, and keep your body moving with ease.

Mobility Matters

Known as a “ball and socket” joint, the hips are one of the largest and most mobile joints in the body. Most of us don’t feel like this is the case. Yet, according to Ayurveda, joint health is directly linked to our overall health and longevity. Mobility - the ability to perform daily tasks with ease of movement and without pain - is a sign of our vitality, and healthspan, not just lifespan.

Want to truly age gracefully? Use yoga to gain mobility in the hips and notice these other benefits:

  1. Improved posture: When the hips can move, old patterns of tucking or tilting release, and the spine can return to its natural alignment. Breath and ease of movement are felt throughout the body.

  2. Reduced pain in the low back and the knees.

  3. Stress reduction and emotional wellness as tension, tightness, and old patterns release.

  4. Performance Boost: Increased mobility allows for improved strength as the hips restore balance. Everything from daily tasks to athletic endeavors becomes easier and more powerful.

Why It Works

The hips have the capacity to support movement in all three planes, and yoga works by moving the body in all three planes. Making yoga your go-to strategy to increase hip mobility is a perfect partnership.

Additionally, because yoga involves complex and dynamic movements, not only static stretching, it creates stability and strength all the way around the hips, balancing out and centrating the joints when done mindfully.

10 Poses to Balance the Hip Joints and Increase Mobility

  1. Vrksasana - Tree Pose

  2. Trikonasana - Triangle Pose

  3. Virabhadrasana II - Warrior II

  4. Parsvottanasana - Pyramid Pose

  5. Anjaneyasana - Low Lunge

  6. Rajakapotasana - Pigeon Pose

  7. Baddha Konasana - Cobbler's Pose

  8. Upavistha Konasana - Wide-Angled Seated Forward Bend

  9. Supta Virasana - Reclined Hero Pose

  10. Tadasana - Mountain Pose

You can tailor the above sequence to suit your needs and your schedule. Some days it can be an hour-long meditative movement exploration or a quick 15-minute tune-up on others.

⭐️Check out this FREE Hip Mobility Sequence on Better Yoga⭐️

Anjaneyasana - Low Lunge

Ways to Incorporate Hip Mobility into Daily Life

  1. Take small movement breaks from your desk at least once an hour. Walk around the office or do some mini squats while waiting for the printer or the kettle to boil.

  2. Walk more. Walking is one of the best exercises and correlates directly to longevity. Park further away from store entrances to get extra steps in.

  3. Do our ⭐️ FREE Ankle-to-Knee Challenge or the above ⭐️ FREE Hip Mobility Sequence on Better Yoga

Working on your hip mobility today will ensure functional and pain-free movement for years to come. Unleash the power of yoga to unlock tight hips, reduce pain, and increase vitality regardless of age. Move better. Feel better.


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